Go to: My Account > Responsible Gambling > Limits
- Scroll down to Session Time Limits.
- Enter your desired time limit by minutes under Daily/Weekly/Monthly Limit.
Please note that the clock for each session starts the second you sign in to your account and stops the second you sign out.
- ClickUpdate Limits.
- If you’ve already set a limit and your new limit is less than the previously set one, the decreased limit will take effect right away.
- If your new limit is greater than your previously set limit, your new limit will take effect according to the following schedule:
- For daily limit increases: After 12:00 AM (Midnight) following your limit increase request
- For weekly limit increases: After 12:00 AM (Midnight) on the Monday following your request with the new limit taking effect at that time
- For monthly limit increases: After 12:00 AM (Midnight) on the first day of the following month